Monday 3 July 2017

Sainsbury Stress

It's supermarket time again,
Time to buy some food and then,
Race back home to cook it up,
Hmmm - yum - lovely stuff!

But first the horror of the isles,
Sweaty staff with fake smiles,
Look at me with blank stares,
Dirty hands and shaven hair.

Icy cold in the freezers,
Hot food and ugly geezers,
Pushing trolleys to and fro,
One pound a pop - off we go.

Grabbing bargains left and right,
"Oi - that's mine - wanna fight?"
A bogof frenzy, I declare,
Hurry, let's get out of here!

Looking at the "Use By" date,
One day left - it's not too late,
Toilet paper on row three,
A family pack with twelve for free!

Squeezing past a doddering gran,
Hurry, hurry, grab some spam,
Checkout time - here we go,
Into line - forgot the dough!

Bags in the car - it's time to leave,
St. Albans' daily traffic weave,
Done and dusted - oh yippee!
Glad that's over; I need some tea.

By, MAlfaRK & Son © 2017-05-18

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